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  1. why are there so many banned items now? with that i just lost about a total emc value of about 20,000,000 from banned items! please unban all items, besides my biggest reason for joining the server was no banned items please unban all the items and make a better anti grief system or what ever to let my items come back
  2. thats unfair to DMAN9181THEBEAST because the bug can only happen if someone else does it to you (its not a bug, you are invincible for about 5 minutes after getting killed by an rep) so i think he deserves his stuff back
  3. itsapandagamer kept spamming me with teleport requests and it was annoying plz ban him for spamming http://www.mediafire.com/?se7qzvf40nv3oo1
  4. server is down whats going on? i still need to pack my stuff in my alchemy bags
  5. you can see in the server log that i was pleading for my stuff back and he was being a complete jerk about it
  6. i dont know the exact username but chopperdog has violated a few rules he logged out while in combat he spawn camped and he hacked the logging out while in combat theres not nessasarily a way to prove but he killed me about 20 blocks from the spawn and with a wood sword in hand he killed me with one hit and it said i got hit with REther lightning and i had a full set of red matter armor and a red matter sword
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