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sneezing panda

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Posts posted by sneezing panda

  1. Keep up this good work, this could turn out amazing, and for the people who are complaining that this is tekkit, just select tekkit in the launcher.

    That's not how it works... The folders are from a server and thusly can only be used on a server since it says "world_nether, world_end, world".

  2. I am surprised they might have added that since that is one of the reason to by a game on steam instead of just pirate and run it as a 3rd party game. Be nice to be able to use that overlay in games. Now if it just had logging.

    Also that batch file game spoofing trick is evil. But now I want to try it, "Linkthegamer is now playing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 Beta"

    That should be "Half-Life 3" and I am good friends with the guy who was doing the McOverhaul for Minecraft where you could have a steam-esque overlay. I can find out about getting the source if you want.

  3. You should have edited in to your previous post, you can simply scroll down from the post reply screen and select another post to quote. Double posting is bad, but at least it was new info and not an edit.

    I agree that I don't get that Block ID argument FC made. Also as someone mentioned from the choice quotes in the blog, not open sourcing the code does not mean you plan to profit from it, just like open source the Doom3 code (but not the other parts) did not mean Doom3 was now free. Also it would be highly hypocritical of FC to make his own API that other have to use to function with BTW as he got on Shockah for the Aether requiring ShockahPI basically saying "it was a move to make it where mods that wanted to support the aether had to be built on ShockahPI so his API would become the norm." If FC really seems to have said Fudge All to worrying about his compatibility and thinks BTW is best played as a standalone or with BC. But I really don't know, i think i messed with BTW once briefly and haven't been following up on development.

    Oh, well I learned how to do that today on here lol; and I think some of the bigger mods use their own API just because it is easier for them to incorporate it into their other mods that are bigger. Not to mention there can be hooks that other API's don't have.

  4. I am against adf.ly specifically. This is why its use (and using click-for-money link redirect anythings like it) are banned on the Technic forums. Its a shit way to make pennies. I don't claim to know all the reasons why people use it, but I have a feeling that its kids not old enough to get something like Adsense going (since adf.ly doesn't check anything in their TOS at all) and, uh, laziness I guess. Adf.ly is bad for lots of reasons, but they don't screen their ads, they run dishonest ones with buttons and things meant to trick you into clicking on them. Mediafire broke adf.ly links on purpose because its a shit site.

    Beyond the technical reasons why its shit, I do think its bad for the community yes. Egos are one thing, tie in adf.ly pennies into it and you get a whole other monster.

    There is a greasemonkey script somewhere, i have it, just gotta look for it, that automatically redirects you to the download page by looking in the source code for the link and just going to it. Bypassing everything. I only use adf.ly since I got on it when it first started. The problem with people on the MC forums is they use the long ads instead of the short ones. they could get more clicks and ergo more money if they used the shorter ones.

    EDIT: I found one here, https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/89322 . It works well enough for adf.ly, doesn't even show their link, just goes straight to it.

  5. It's not that simple, this is an issue that has occurred on every re-install of windows that I've done on this system. I have tried a good many things and none of them have fixed the problem, and my help requests go un-answered on the official thread.

    edit: also I told you its not just a few others, It appears I need to show you proof of that though

    Third post down: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/865855-why-are-these-in-my-single-player-world/

    9th post down: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/740526-crazy-graphics-problems/

    12th post down: https://yogscast.com/archive/index.php/t-34386.html

    I can get more if you like

    What are your PC specs? Depending on what they are and what version of Optifine is installed you might have bad performance.

  6. Hello, whenever I install the Technic SSP version and run it on this computer it tries to download everything every time and when it launches it is a white screen. I have tried leaving it running but that doesn't work... :( If someone has a solution to this I would be very grateful.

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