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Everything posted by Sufman

  1. 1. What is your minecraft name? Sufman 2. Do you agree to the rules, stated above? I absolutely do and think they are reasonable to create a good minecraft envirement for you and others 3. Do you have any questions, not listed in the 'Questions and Answers?' I don't have any questions. 4. If so, state them here: 5. Do you have any bans on record? Zero bans I am a goody two shoes 6. If so, why? 7. Why are you interested in SilliHex? When I started to try out this cool pack and record it for my channel on youtube it was pretty boring and so this servers sounds amazing and a pretty healthy community that I would really like to join. 8. Have you played on any other Hexxit servers? I have not yet but am whitelisted on a private mindrack 'like, server
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