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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. I just tried that. Now it says "The following multiparts are not installed on this client: pr_rfire
  2. "The following multiparts are not installed on this client: pr_100v, pr_f100v" Every time I try to connect I get that
  3. Your In Game Name Aeronuat (beware the typo) Your age 16 Where you are from Oklahoma Why you want to join the server (optional) Coming back to tekkit, looking for a server where I can build and explore without the fear of being killed by players or having my creations destroyed by players.
  4. Age: 15 IGN (In Game Name) Aeronuat (Please note the typo "nuat") Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Looking for a good server to play on and build on without fear of being attacked out of no where or coming back to my creation being destroyed What Do you want to Build? A house, maybe a factory or other things, like a redstone computer or something.
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