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Posts posted by xanderkane100

  1. have you checked your RAM usage at those points? I've also had RAM build up to the point of ridiculous lag. It's not completely consistent, but generally happens within a half hour of playing -- starts out with about 2GB used and creeps up to 6GB, at which point my computer can't cope with it. Not a solution, but just looking for someone to confirm what seems to be happening to me.

    I'm hopeful that they're working on correcting whatever is going on in the next release.

    I too was having problems with lag recently while at the same time allocating 15gb or ram, turns out, so I was told, minecraft explodes with too much ram, don't think that was meant literally, but the more you allow, the more it uses and still doesn't disuade it from lag! Beside speeding up my pc I found going into creative mode and removing many many trees with a diamond axe helped a lot, give it a try!
  2. desktop with 16gb ram i7 cpu and 650 geforce vid card
    I had the 1gb problem today, it turns out when I upgraded my browser to 64 bit I didn't realise that I then had two browsers to choose from, kept using the 32 bit one and java only downloaded a 32 bit version, so make sure that your browser is 64 bit before you download java, then the launcher give you the choice of ram!
  3. I have had the same problem, there are some ways to speed up your PC, right click on my computer, go to properties, next go to advanced system settings, then the first settings button, then adjust for best performance, then apply; also, when your game is loaded, but while still at the screen for which saved world to play, press control, alt, and delete keys together, go to task manager, then processes, find javaw.exe right click and set priority to high. Change ram usage to 2gb, I was running it on 15, somehow it works better on 2, Finally I went to creative mode in the game, enchanted a diamond axe, and chopped as many big trees as I could before too much boredom set in!! (not sure if I needed to enchant the diamond axe or not, but I figured it was better to err on the side of caution! On youtube there are vids on how to do this stuff! I hope this is helpful!!

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