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About Paintpauller

  • Birthday 01/01/1983

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Terrain Smashers always worked, it was the Itemducts causing the crash, i have made a working TB with Terrain Smashers, chests, and the Factorization Item Router. tho now that Itemducts are working im going to have to change it out for them as it will be faster that way! thanks for the heads up!
  2. not tested yet but you should be able to use http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/6634-cc-155mc-162-gophers-peripherals-v21-biolock-new-keypad-locks/ and the PRBs that come with it as a kind of wireless redstone till multipart support comes back!
  3. hmm to add to a frame you could make a special frame block that you 1st click on the closed frame block you want to add to, creating a "link" then place it down where you want to add it. and to remove maybe open up the shadow templet showing you the active frames and click on one with the screwdriver? just my 2 cents when i read your post, hope this helps some! -Paint
  4. the solution is simple use the AE blockbreakers, they dont just break blocks they also suckup anything that touches them! i made a quick mock up in my test world so you could see the layout, some of the blocks i did not know what they were so i just used sponges =D
  5. probably because if i had to guess they are multipart blocks, Forge multipart is a part of the forge API now and thus will porb be implemented in most mods.
  6. i'm sure he would be more than willing to help out and with his help it should not be that hard to do.
  7. been reading this thread since page 1 and have really liked the way this mod is turning out. was building something and encountered a BIG BUG! when you use a turtle (from ComputerCraft) to try and break any carriage the carriage is not returned to you. i consider this to be a big bug as you are not able to create collapsible structures. ( trying to make a fast elevator that has the computer stay in one spot and the elevator structure grow when needed ) i can provide a video if needed. PS it would also be helpful to have a config option to have a list of blocks to not get picked up and ignored like the Carriage motors are even if they are next to a sticky side of a carriage.
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