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Posts posted by EthanJY

  1. True , I could you the fire ball and then change the texture and also take away the code of the explosion and fire around the entity but I would still like to know how to spawn the fire ball entity when I right click with the Fire Bolt wand. its about the public Itemstack onItemRightClick but I would like to know how to make it spawn in the world then shoot through the air :D

  2. So I have played Hack / mine a lot and I'm making a mod which adds a lot of cool features to minecraft, One of the features being wands.

    I have already created some wands;

    Rocket Wand which shoots mobs in the air then they die of fall damage,

    KnockBack Wand which knock backs the mobs away from the player,

    Time Warping Wand which turns night into day in a slow fast forward way.

    But I would like to create a Fire Bolt wand and an Ice bolt wand.

    I need help on how I would go about making a Wand which creates the Fire Bolt / Ice Bolt Entity projectile, as I would really like to add these into my mod.

    Please can anyone help me, or link me to a tutorial video which can help me on creating a Fire Bolt wand which when right clicked Shoots a Fire Bolt projectile and hurts the mob when hit.

    Thanks I hope anyone could help me with this, you don't have to spoon feed me the code if you don't want to but could someone help me on figuring out how I would create the entityProjectileFireBolt and the fire bolt wand which spawns the fire bolt projectile into the world.

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