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Mountian VS Technic

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Posts posted by Mountian VS Technic

  1. Ok so I was trying to download a screen recorder and while it downloaded I played on my favourite Hexxit server. after it finished down loading I clicked record and then played on Hexxit to test it. Now when I use Hexxit I release the key and I keep going. I have died 5 times cause of it please help.

  2. Ok so I have been trying to make my own smeltery but I need help making it. If you would like to help me with an image or a YouTube clip plz post a reply. If you go on this server mc.apocgaming.org:2087 or would like to help me make my smeltery on it plz do.

    My username is Hollow_Mountian

  3. Ok if this is what I think it is its due to lag. Although there are a few questions I have to ask to be sure. Has Hexxit just developed this problem or has it never worked? Here is what I think you should do. Go to options in the very start menu and go to video settings. adjust your settings. Make your graphics fast instead of fancy, turn render distance down also make your particles low. These all help reduce lag if its lag issues (I suffered from this sort of thing when I first got Hexxit and the other mod packs) otherwise reply to this post with the answer to my first question. Hope this helped.

  4. I only really have one question and that's where are the Hexxit texture files and do they even exist?

    I found the folder with the Hexxit stuff in it but I couldn't find the textures since it uses the default Minecraft texture pack. Does anyone know where the files are or a website that has them?

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