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About mrgreaper
- Birthday 11/08/1978
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**moved from the guide chat thread to here as its more a help something is wrong with my solder install then a discussion on the guide** Didnt work, even tried to do 777 on the whole controller folder still no go I think its a case of it cant make the actual folder "modpack" but i dont know where it is trying to make that folder or who its trying to make it as inspiration struck i did sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ then sudo chown -R mrgreaper:mrgreaper /var/www/public/mods/ so apache owns all but the mods folder and the error is gone ...now to test the launcher ******** edit nope i dont understand this the launcher still crashes! Stack Trace: Exception: NullPointerException Message: null Trace: net.technicpack.launchercore.install.ModpackInstaller.installPack(ModpackInstaller.java:66) org.spoutcraft.launcher.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:63) theres not even a folder for my modpack created in the modpacks folder of the launcher, it just looks at it and goes ..nope to come so far and be whacked on the head at the final hurdle is so frustrating *******edit 2 i thought maybe its because i havent uploaded icons so i downloaded the default icons from resources folder and went to upload them Unhandled Exception[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s] [s][s][s][s][s]Message:[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s] [s][s][s][s][s]Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng()[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s] [s][s][s][s][s]Location:[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s] [s][s][s][s][s]/var/www/bundles/resizer/resizer.php on line 236 arghhhhhhhhhhhhh ok i have an hour before work, going to put food on and reset my vps and start again, really dont want to but i have clearly missed something somewhere *******edit 3 seems a step is missing from the guide you need php gd extension to be able to deal with images to install: sudo apt-get install php5-gd im now able to add images to my modpack ...i still cant use it on the launcher though this is going to turn me insane (insaner anyway) everything looks right, it all looks perfect where am i going wrong? *******edit 4 i tried importing it on the technic platform site again, after deleteing it im getting an "Whoops! Server Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)" but it still apears in my lists on the site, i had the error before but since it appeared i ignored it....now i think it may be the cause? but how do i fix it? ************** * EDIT * ************** i created a build 1.1 ie a second build and suddenly it all works, i have no idea why that would be the case but im not about to start staring at gift horses mouths !
I deleted the mod pack from the site deleted the mod pack from solder unlinked the solder created the modpack in solder again this time with a different name created a modpack on the site with the same name as the one on solder re-linked solder with the site went to the edit section of my mod pack on the site and sure enough it detected that solder had one with the same slug linked it added the mod pack to my launcher using the url clicked play launcher crashed instantly with this error: http://pastebin.com/Ycxh1g8Z i just dont understand where its going wrong
im getting the same error, did you ever get this solved? the pack still seems to get added but if i try to add it to the launcher the launcher just crashes on clicking play suggesting its not all there on the site
*moved to the main solder thread*
well its taken me nearly 12 hours but i have all the mods i use on solder i have the server configured with out id conflicts created a test client in multimc and it worked so created a pack on solder, linked it to the technic platform site found my uuid by loading up an already made pack and added the uuid to solder client list ok in modpack edit screen i unticked hidden and clicked "edit modpack" to save it ... Unhandled Exception Message: mkdir(): Permission denied Location: /var/www/application/controllers/modpack.php on line 254 Stack Trace: #0 /var/www/laravel/laravel.php(42): LaravelError::native(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/var/www/applic...', 254) #1 [internal function]: Laravel{closure}(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/var/www/applic...', 254, Array) #2 /var/www/application/controllers/modpack.php(254): mkdir('/var/www/public...') #3 [internal function]: Modpack_Controller->action_do_edit('1') #4 /var/www/laravel/routing/controller.php(325): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /var/www/laravel/routing/controller.php(285): LaravelRoutingController->response('do_edit', Array) #6 /var/www/laravel/routing/controller.php(165): LaravelRoutingController->execute('do_edit', Array) #7 /var/www/laravel/routing/route.php(153): LaravelRoutingController::call('modpack@do_edit', Array) #8 /var/www/laravel/routing/route.php(124): LaravelRoutingRoute->response() #9 /var/www/laravel/laravel.php(167): LaravelRoutingRoute->call() #10 /var/www/public/index.php(34): require('/var/www/larave...') #11 {main} went back and the box was unticked still so figured it was an ignorable error went to "my mod" section on the technic launcher and choose to create a mod pack imported my solder one, all well so far then in the launcher i clicked add modpack and pasted in my platform url, the mod pack appeared (using default images for now but thats ok) clicked launch and technic crashed instantly generated this error http://pastebin.com/7AMTzVLp I think solder doesnt have permission to make what ever files it needs to make to setup the mod pack...but then its all done in mysql so shouldnt be an issue? im at a loss as to how to fix itand since its 0640 here and i have been at it for more then 12 hours i really need sleep, if anyone can see why this is happening and let me know how to fix it i would be most greatful Relevent info: solder version : TechnicSolder v0.6-DEVserver its hosted on: ubuntu 12.04 server os running on a dedicated vps database type:mysql owner group for all files in www (mrgreaper:mrgreaper) this user has root access ***im thinking here be the issue but im not sure and after getting all the mods in the list etc i dont want to mess about un needlessly unless i know it is the issue ummm not sure what other details are needed
np, had a bit of help from another solder user (Thank you MoMoNasty! your a star) and i popped on here to say i had fixed it and share the method, your link saves me the latter the double mods/mods/ issue some may have ...i know i did.. stems from the fact the api now appends /mods/ to the link in repo_location and mirror url (in the solder.php in config) so you just need to make sure the trailing mods/ is removed from the config and your all golden thank you for the guide, outdated in areas or not it was still EXTREMELY helpful also a big thanks to sct for making solder and opensourcing it, wish more developers were that kind and helpful, this should fix my update woah client side, even if its a little more work for me admin side :)
followed the guide twice now resetting the vps fully inbetween both times when i try to access solder i get Unhandled Exception Message: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/msql.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/msql.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Location: Unknown on line 0 mysql is definatly running (i used it to create the database after all) everything told to install on the guide was installed only difference was that i didnt have a config file, but there was a config-sample which had the same files mentioned so i renamed that to config hmmm it seems that in the php5 file theres a line extension=msql.so easy to mistake for the proper one ...commented it out and got a permission error instead googled the permission error and it seems you have to 777 the storage folder, the permission error then went away *edit but how do you add mods? from the page it seems to be you upload them manualy but it says : /mods/[modslug]/ /mods/[modslug]/[modslug]-[version].zip what is a modslug? how do you deal with mods that are jar files not zip files (i know there sort of zips in disguise) does it mean we dont have to fill any info out on the program itself ie does it autodetect the mods if thier in the right format?
1) hmmm there used to be a mod that added wireless redstone as solid blocks instead of the little ones in chickenbones, if i can find it that may be a better solution/workaround (EDIT this mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1878482-152forgeml-wireless-redstone-v17/page__st__40 , sadly not updated to 1.6.4 yet but reading the last page it seems its not abandoned or anything...since its whole blocks that could be another solution ) 2) delt with (well ok workarounded) the programs i shared above work though often theres a longer delay then there should be and i have had an issue with a computer freezing but those stem from my rustyness of lua and bugs in cc but i was chuffed i managed to defeat the challenge of getting it to work despite the resets im sure more skilled lua coders can elaborate on the code and make it better, i tried to add lots of comments too RiM is damn awesome thank you for making it, dont take anything i have said in a negative way chap.
ok at work still so cant try it but i think this should work on the computer controlling the carrage: sleep(0.5) mside = "back" --side of the modem cside = "right" -- side of the controller print ("variables set") modem = peripheral.wrap(mside) motor = peripheral.wrap(cside) print("peripherals wrapped") modem.open(99) -- open the modem and use channel 99(cos its one better then 98) function up() print ("up called") motor.move(1,false,false) -- 1 is up, false is move controller with carrage(i think) and 2nd false is to not simulate (for there is no try only do,hmm) end function down() print ("down called") motor.move(0,false,false) end function north() print ("north called") motor.move(2,false,false) end function south() print ("south called") motor.move(3,false,false) end function east() print ("east called") motor.move(5,false,false) end function west() print ("west called") motor.move(4,false,false) end --thats the functions set up and ready modem.transmit(99,99,"ready") --should send a ready signal to all nearby channel 99 listeners (will be needed in a bit) function start()--have to put this on a loop as if the carrage gets stuck for any reason program terminates instead of restarting print ("transmitting the ready signal") local event, modemSide, senderChannel, replyChannel, message, senderDistance = os.pullEvent("modem_message") --message=modem.recieve() --heres where im in confusion land..this should make the modem wait for a message, pausing the program in the mean time print ("got a "..message.." sent at me") if message ==("up") then up() elseif message ==("down") then down() elseif message ==("north") then north() elseif message ==("south") then south() elseif message ==("west") then west() elseif message ==("east") then east() else print("i dont understand what "..message.." means.") end start() end start() print("i reached the end of the program...i shouldnt of got here") on the computer that issues the orders (obviously could be changed to issue any orders you want --sky bore program mside = "back" --side of the modem modem = peripheral.wrap(mside) modem.open(99) -- open the modem and use channel 99(cos its one better then 98) function wait() -- so we wait for the carrage to be ready to recieve a new order local event, modemSide, senderChannel, replyChannel, message, senderDistance = os.pullEvent("modem_message") if message =="ready" then print("ready") else wait() end end function down() --assuming it starts off 200 blocks in the sky lets bring it down 194 so it stops at a height of 6, for bedrock issues for i=1,194 do modem.transmit(99,99,"down") print (" down "..i.." times") wait() end end function up() --lets bring it back up for i=1,194 do modem.transmit(99,99,"up") print (" up "..i.." times") wait() end end function forward()--lets assume its 10 blocks long for i=1,10 do modem.transmit(99,99,"east") print (" east "..i.." times") --if its a turtle add the move forward command here so the turtle keeps up wait() end end function start() --the main program loop down() up() forward() start() end start()--triger the start loop the design of the bore i like to use has a base of AE translation* panals (they break any block they touch) it starts at a height of 200, bores down to bedrock, goes back up then moves forward and repeats, this leaves a large trench cut into the map but is the best way to ensure you harvest all resources regardless of thier level...including trees lol it needs to be boxed as water can leak down on it when it goes through the ocean, its also wise to have the sides have translators* too, a row of normal ones then an upper row of extra utility fluid ones, to get maxium results. the fluids got to an ender tank with a storage module attached and the solids go to a ender chest. its also wise to have a chunk loader *i think its translation panels...i think, black one side. if some one can look over the program and let me know if i have made any mistakes that would help (as i say im rusty in lua and im at work so cant test) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDIT... ok so i managed to get to test and needed to ammend my code, the code now above DOES work, it may not be elogant but it works! i have had a bug with ae though, randomly the controller thinks its conflicting with another controller or the transition panals dont work suddenly
since the computer on the carrage can only execute 1 move order it will need to be told what order that is each time...unless you limit it to 1 move direction ofcourse. when i get a chance ill see what i can knock up, im alittle depressed that its not like rp2, but hay its a challenge and im thinking i can get something made we can all use
no your right, just not an easy thing to do, basicly i need to make the start up script : wrap the controller, wrap the wireless modem then sit there and wait for a rednet signal the signal will have the directional command. then it sends the move command to the controller with the move command variable from the rednet signal the wrapping is easy, the sitting for rednet signal is doable (need to reread some guides) the variable could be tricky as it will be a string not a number but there must be a way round that(EDIT* thinking about it this could be worked around by having a different move function for each direction, the string that is sent via rednet could be "north" or "south" etc and the next line on recieveing the signal could take that string and run the appropiate function) this is not the full extent of the issue though, it requires another computer or a turtle to relay the rednet commands to it... if its a computer then there is range issues to contend with. if its a turtle then you need the turtle to move along with it so you have that sync issue and the aforementioned problem of reather the turtle is blocked by something (gravel in the case of a mine...lack of fuel too) so your write the answer in potentia is there just not the actual solution...i am however planning on looking up some computercraft wikkis and examples when my work quietens down a bit, if i find a solution ill share it here ofcourse
i thought about having it wait for a wireless signal, and having a turtle follow it and issue it orders, but then you have to sync the two, and if the server lags, or something blocks the turtle its dud. cant use a stationary pc to control it as the range would be an issue. i more then a little rusty with lua so maybe im missing something, i only really used it for door control and frame control. not sure why RiM doesnt treat wireless redstone and computercraft computers the same way rp2 frames did, its a bugger. In some ways RiM is so much better then rp2 frames, in many ways in fact. just arghhhh the one way i need it to be atleast as good as rp2 its not... so frustrating (and not the devs fault ofcourse)
just read through a few threads and yeah RiM focuses more on the server shutdown (a rare thing) then redpower did which means you get a few major limitations, shame RiM seemed like the ultimate solution to loss of rp2 frames. dont get me wrong RiM is aweome, just no good for some of the stuff i used to do with frames. if wireless chickenbones worked then i could use that as a work around. hmmm need to find a rp2 frame replacement for my plans.
hi, had this mod installed for ages but finally got round to using it, after sacrificing a very large jungle i was able to make a miner, this was a simple one that was only designed to go fwd and to test the capabilities out, when i saw it had computercraft intergration my head was filled with many potentials. But i have discovered a very major bug, if the computer moves it acts like it was turned off and on losing its position in the program. to work around that i decided to use wireless redstone (chicken bones one) sadly when a reciever is moved while it is emiting a redstone signal it stays on, even when the transmitter is turned off... so im stuck how do i stop the computer resetting every move?