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About superapplepie123

  • Birthday 08/06/2000

superapplepie123's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I keep getting communication error I literally just voted today :(
  2. hello, Im back I would like to know where is the place to donate? Im loving this server a lot and thought it's not at all that expensive and I know how much It helps as I host my own minecraft faction server P.S I see you have not done the other donator classes and such... I am good with permissions, a bit of coding and I would considor my self quite good at web-building I would love to help out and be a true part of this server! Once again,thanks for your time, Superapplepie123!
  3. Ok thanks and why was duping banned? I only dupe quantum cause its a pain in the arse to make...LOL :D
  4. So, hi I don't know if you are aware but I've been playing this server for quite a while now and I thought It would be nice for a change; so............. I was wondering if you would let me become a moderator? I will answer some questions of your choice if you would like thank you for your time, Superapplepie123!
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