wow and i thought this server was good well you know what pewx go fuck yourself i apologized to the guy and would have helped him clean it up and i have a lot of friends on this server and i didn't "grief other people in frustration" i just came to his house and he got all defensive and was freaking out at me and said i was griefing so i showed him what real griefing was in the end we were fine too but you have to be dick about it and if you fucking consider being in someones house and not leaving griefing omfg you have problems. "omg he is on the same server as me after i told him to leave hes griefing ban him" like are u fucking kidding me that was a douche bag move pewx you just lost like half of the ten players that played on your shit server anyway cause i brought all my friends only to realize how bad it sucked i hope u realize that u r a major ass and being like this isn't being a good server owner cant wait to see it crash and burn cause of no one playing on it. P.S. i didn't report that kid because like i said he quit the server after what was the point. So fuck you and Good day.