If you get the Project Red source off of github you can change the build.xml file to say
<property name="mc.version" value="1.6.2" />
<property name="forge.version" value="" />
<property name="ccl.version" value="" />
<property name="ccobf.version" value="" />
<property name="ccc.version" value="" />
<property name="fmp.version" value="" />
<property name="nei.version" value="" />
<property name="tcons.version" value="1.4.7d12" />
and build a version that works. mine had an issue downloading a few of the files so i had to download them myself. So far it has worked fine. and crash on my 1.5.2 server. I have tried a clean server with only forge and Redstone In Motion. It runs fine in client.
here is the error log.
I am having this same issue and have tried a clean 1.5.2 with only codechickencore, nei, and redstone in motion
here is the log