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About Linkolasyew2002

  • Birthday 06/26/1999

Linkolasyew2002's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Your In Game Name Linkolasyew2002 Your age 17 Where you are from Hopatcong, NJ Something about you (optional) I am looking for a server with friendly staff and a good community Why you want to join the server (optional) Deja Vu. I had played on this server when it was Minerva's Realm. Hello, QuasarGC!
  2. Age:13 IGN (In Game Name) Linkolasyew2002 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I'm looking for a good Tekkit server with a friendly community, and I think I've found one. What Do you want to Build? A power plant, and a moon base!
  3. Age:13 IGN (In Game Name) Linkolasyew2002 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I haven't really played Tekkit much, I want to really dive in to it and explore all of its content. What Do you want to Build? A town power plant, and power lines (power for everyone!!!)
  4. Age: 13 IGN (In Game Name) Linkolasyew2002 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I want to find a good tekkit server. I haven't played tekkit much and I want to really dive into it. What Do you want to Build? Power plant, Quarry, Public power plant (power for everyone!!!) I would wire it to everyone in the town's houses....
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