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Everything posted by Heindall116

  1. Sorry for the double post: meant to also mention, Heavy Duty axes do not currently cooperate with the Tree-capitator mod. I have not tested Quartz, but assume it's the same way...
  2. Title: Galacticraft (Invar) + Balkins Weapons Mod Version: 1_0_3 OS: Win7 x64 Java Version: Latest Description of Problem: Hi guys, first post - love the mod pack, thanks for developing. This bug is as of Tekkit 1.1.8: Can't craft a "Heavy Duty" Halberd (or other Balkins weapons) with Invar or Quartz. In the strictest sense of the word, this may not be a "bug" so much as a game-continuity oversight? Invar/quartz *can* currently be used to craft pickaxes, swords, and other hand tools. Error Messages: (Not Craftable) Error Log:
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