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Everything posted by magicbel

  1. Lmao ! I'm sorry. The exact word is : promise Next time I'll be careful, but the main purpose of the message is just to say thank you for working on this mod....nothing more
  2. Hello! As betrothed promised, I mean presenting you our work with your mod! I again wanted to thank you for it fabulous mod which offers a new vision of the game. With my most sincere greetings, Magic www.multigaming.fr Your video for another vision of Minecraft with the power of Redstone in motion :
  3. I am going to reconstruct the same without lighting the frames. I shall return here with the feed back ;-) Tks Jakj !
  4. Hello Jakj ! Tks for the feed back. This log can you help ? : http://pastebin.com/aC5gfzzt
  5. Hello all ! I installed the last version in date for the minecraft 1.5.2 ( Redstone in motion I tried the experience 3 times but every time I crashed having tried to go up frames to move the roof of a pyramid. You can view my vidéo on youtube with the crash here : (French video) For the CrashReport, i have this one : http://pastebin.com/nrmTZNzn Following the crash, I do not know to join the server unless I change position (another chunk)but as soon as I return to the place of my contruction my game crashes directly. Have a nice day !
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