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Posts posted by Khaius

  1. Looks awesome. I will be on as soon as it comes back up.

    Sounds awesome. See you there.

    Will the server go up in the morning or the afternoon please respond?

    It will be going up in the afternoon @ 3:00 PM PST.

    Have you considered adding the Factions plugin?

    Right now we're weighing the Pros and Cons of each individual "land claim" and "faction" plugin. We want players to be able to have something to fight over, but we don't want to make things too complicated either.

    We want the world to remain lawless and brutal, leaving it to the players to play as either the criminal or the protector. So yes, we are considering quite a few selections at the moment.

  2. Hey there Ghostwarrior!

    It's frustrating me as well, our server host provider has not responded to my requests the entire day. Sadly, until they do we will remain down. We've also worked out a better deal with them now for a much better unit as well, which means less lag and less hiccups! This is exciting stuff, but their customer support could be better. Thanks for remaining patient however!

  3. ---------------------------------------------

    Server is currently: OFFLINE (Updating to 1.0.7 & server reconstruction underway)


    Hello and welcome to the thread!

    Our server currently has no name! Why you ask?

    It's because we're looking for any and all prospective players to sign in and help us in developing an immersive experience and join in on a RAW and FRESH NEW head start on Hexxit. Bring one or even five friends with you as you charge out into the wilderness and unknown to combat vicious monsters for epic loot, gear and survival.

    Juggling food and water against sword and dungeon raiding can mean great success or constant destruction for one or many. Which category of adventurer will you fall into on the first few hours?

    As we progress, you as our players will eventually have a hand in:

    • Helping us think up a server name
    • Decide what plugins we can install
    • Help build the "Starter City" to be remember FOREVER!
    • Become a part of the Server's History.
    • And more!

    A generic Hexxit experience at first glance, but you can help us make it a unique one by being a part of a fresh new world and control it's destiny with your very hands.

    So what will you be remembered as on our new server? A griefer? A helpful player? That kid who played for a day and got permanently banned? Or a leader of a thriving player city? The choice is entirely yours.

    Good luck and hope to see some of you there!

    Server Features:

    Headhunting! - Players and monsters have a chance to drop trophy heads after being killed by another player.

    Freeform playstyle! - Play how you want to play in both PvP and PvE. Limited restrictions are placed down to keep things fair and interesting.

    Danger is REAL! - After leaving the Starter Island, you are opened to any dangers out there. Whether from monsters or players, you will face them all. It is your decision to make friends or survive alone.

    Good? Neutral? Evil? - Your own personal moral choices can and will affect your reputation towards others on the server. Will you be a defender of the weak? A politician? A sneaky thief? A brutal killer? Or even a leader of a developing town? The choices you make will last forever.

    Server Ban List:

    Items: Ender Bow, Bag, Capsules, Meteor Summoners

    Mods: Dimension Door

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