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Posts posted by dpp41

  1. What is your Minecraft account name?


    What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


    What timezone do you use?

    US EST

    What previous experience have you had as a roleplayer?

    I've played two major RP games, Club Penguin and Runescape, plus i have some experience with some Brony RP servers such as Mine Little Crafty

    When you think of roleplaying, what comes to mind?

    making your own character to enact or play a part in a story.

    How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

    the aegis home page and freinds that are more active such as Frank350 and Sch41, Brit, Weirdo, etc...

    Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?


    Have you the rules governing this server, and understand them?


    To verify that you read the links in the intro, please give a brief summary of what they discuss, in your own words.

    In RPG metagaming is basically any action considered out of character made by a players character that the character inst supposed to know about. GodModders are people who use characters that are too perfect and are instantly perfect at what they do.

    In-Character Information

    Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

    Character Name:


    Character Age:


    Character Race:


    Character Biography and Description:

    Bio: Raised by a poor family on a far away planet, Daktion (known as Dak) was always the pushover, never taught to stand up for himself and usually tried to slip his way outta trouble. He came to Gaia looking for a better life and to raise money for his family back home.

    Description: Average build; average weight; dark, messy hair; light, semi tanned skin; an all around average Joe when i comes to appearance, you get the idea.

    Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

    yes, this is my first attempt

    Meta Questions

    In this section, your character will be placed into a set of hypothetical situations. Please consider your answers carefully.

    You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

    I stay out of the way and do not get involved.

    As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

    I tell a Soldier or Police officer immediately, but also try to stay out of harms way.

    You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

    i got framed for stealing from a children's hospital and no one believes that i was framed.

    (idk lol)

    You're approached by a street thug, clearly much stronger than you are. He demands everything valuable that you're carrying. What do you do?

    Say that i have nothing of any value on me and RUN as fast as i can in the opposite direction

    Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

    I stay outta their way and quietly exit the bar


    Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?

    I will be sure to when i go to download it.

    Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?

    You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!

    I will be sure to after i submit.

    Hope this copy paste turns out alright -_-

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