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Posts posted by dwarfman623

  1. IGN-Dwarfman623

    SKYPE [if you dont want it public, just put PMED here then pm it to me] -gibbsong623 (feel free to message me i really don't care)

    AGE [We ask for players to be atleast 14 and mature because we can not STAND imature children]-16

    GENDER [just so i dont call a she a he :P] -male

    WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN [Make it interesting, i dont want to read BEcuZ I iS niec GUy...]-I've been looking for a good tekkit server to get on and have fun and you guys seem pretty chill.

    HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT US [Friend? Forum?] -Technic Forum

    Do you have any Moderating/Adminerstrating skills - Yes I've held a managerial position IRL and i have been a moderator/admin on many a server and can be trusted.

    We don't care if you've been banned [HELL I'VE BEEN BANNED] but would

    you please take the time to tell us, why - [Missunderstaning? Greif? Spam?] I have never been banned that i am aware of

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