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Posts posted by Hazza_Blackburn

  1. Ukraft Tekkit..

    I joined this server nearly the day it opened expecting not much more then your average, basic server and, well a boring community. I can safely and very happily say, that I was so wrong. I am lucky enough to be a high ranking staff member on this server, and the experience I have gotten from this has been amazing. I joined the server to a welcoming community of both players and staff showing everyone the ropes of the game and the new server and journey they had just embarked on. The staff are always willing to help all players out no matter what the question is, and even if a staff member is busy, there are always a few players that are looking out for that kinda thing that will be able to help you with with most of your problems. The effort put into this server is second to none. With only about 10 banned items due to the fact that most of these dupes and grief bypassing items patched with months of custom coding, All the work that has been put into this server has not only been rewarding to staff, but to our players alike. All of these patches and hard work means that they have more to use. So the average mining laser isn't banned, it's usable as it's been patched. The freedom we give our players is on;y possible due to the work and dedication put in by all that are involved with our server.

    This server has given me an experience I will never forget, and if you wish to feel just as rewarded for typing in an IP, then Play.UKraft.Org is all it will take.. See you there!

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