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About Snecy

  • Birthday 12/10/1989

Snecy's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. No one?
  2. Hey everyone. I've been having problems with installing Hexxit onto my server for a few days now. First of all, I'm not very good with those kind of things and the website that is hosting my server does not support Hexxit as a "one click" installation, it only has Tekkit and Tekkit Lite. I've contacted them asking for help with the installation but they refused to help. Before you say anything about them not being a very good hosting website - it's a polish website, ran by polish people. The guy who I've spoken with didn't even know what CraftBukkit is, so... yeah. So because I couldn't get any help for them, I had to do everything on my own. The only option for me is to install it through FTP but I'm not entirely sure how that works. I can connect to my ftp server through Total Commander and I can put the files onto it, but it doesn't seem to work. After I've put all the files in there, I start the server, get in the game and: I can see the minimap, although I admit, it looks quite buggy. I can see the HP on mobs and animals, but it doesn't drop after I hit them. Now I wouldn't be worried too much about that but what worries me is that when I try to spawn an item that is in the Hexxit modpack, it comes up with a text "No such item with ID [item's id]". And that happens with EVERY item related to Hexxit. What did I do wrong? What do I do to make it work? This is how it looks on FTP: I really need your help, guys. I don't what else I can do.
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