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Posts posted by Ever_Present

  1. 2013-11-10 09:48:06 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.7

    2013-11-10 09:48:13 [iNFO] Loading properties

    2013-11-10 09:48:13 [iNFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL

    2013-11-10 09:48:13 [iNFO] Generating keypair

    2013-11-10 09:48:13 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on

    2013-11-10 09:48:16 [iNFO] Preparing level "world"

    2013-11-10 09:48:16 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0

    2013-11-10 09:48:17 [iNFO] Done (0.782s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] TekkitCustomizer: TekkitCustomizer enabled.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Grief Prevention enabled.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "wyvern_lair". Please update your config.yml.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "nether". Please update your config.yml.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "the_end". Please update your config.yml.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "limbo". Please update your config.yml.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "overworld". Please update your config.yml.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Unable to load data for claim "0": World not found: "overworld"

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: Unable to load data for claim "1": World not found: "overworld"

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: 0 total claims loaded.

    2013-11-10 09:48:20 [iNFO] GriefPrevention: 0 players have staked claims.

    2013-11-10 09:48:22 [iNFO] [MyHome] Creating Database...

    2013-11-10 09:48:22 [iNFO] [MyHome] 0 homes loaded

    2013-11-10 09:48:22 [iNFO] [MyHome] Using localization: English (en)

    2013-11-10 09:48:23 [iNFO] [MyHome] Access Control: Using Bukkit's Permssion System (Vault is recommended!)

    2013-11-10 09:48:23 [iNFO] [MyHome] MyHome 2.3.1 enabled

  2. 1. I run Tekkit Lite with BukkitForge. Through a 3rd party host

    2. I'm attempting to set up a spawn location also /home /warp.

    3. All teleport plugins are telling me i'm the in the wrong world or some variation of that. "Invalid world" "uh oh wrong world"

    4. I've tried Essentials, MyHome, Simple Spawn.

    5. I'm looking for any fix I can find obviously whatever world name I have by default is wrong compared to what the plugins are looking for. The plugins are running I have the help menu for them /plugins shows them running. It's surely a settings issue.

    6. Things I think may fix the problem but I have no idea how to.

    -Change my world name to default whatever that may be.

    -How to edit the plugins to include my world

    -More plugin suggestions



  3. Hello i'm currently trying to build a house that raises and lowers itself into the ground.

    Issue - Max capacity of Motors / Frames =1000 <--- I need maybe 2500

    2nd Issue - Tekkit Wiki says all I have to do is... *Posted at the bottom* *I'm doing this for my server which is hosted by a 3rd party*

    This fix does not work for me, no matter what I change "Linksize" number to it will not start back up even if I change the number back to 1000 it still remains broke and will not start.

    Crash report ---> http://pastebin.com/MN2rSTC3

    Willing to try any suggestions even if it's made for client versions.

    *Tekki Wikki*

    Windows: "AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\redpower\redpower.cfg









    linksize = 1000

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