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Everything posted by Teshbo

  1. 1- In-game Name : Teshbo 2- Experience in Minecraft : Over a year, and countless hours 3- Experience in Tekkit : Not nearly as much; several playthroughs 4- What you wish to see in the server : I wish to see my buisness (Ferming) flourish and see many amused faces 5- Have you read the rules? : Yes I have, nice job with them 6- Do you have skype? Yes, but I prefer to keep it private - Yes : What is it? I prefer to keep my identity private via skype - No : Too bad 7- What is the secret word? : Maniumox I'd love to play on your server, and please msg me if you accept
  2. IGN: Teshbo Real Name: Brian Time Zone: Eastern Standard Something about yourself: I love making people feel good What language you speak: English What do you want to do on this server: Ferm (Or as you might call it, "farm" Do you have a Youtube Channel: Not at the moment If so, will you be willing to film: (See previous response) I love quiet servers like this where you can do as you please (to a limit), and have fun. Please pm me if you accept
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