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Posts posted by sayhisam1

  1. I recently figured out a rather simple way to track anyone who breaks into your base. It has not been tested in multiplayer, so I am not sure how well it will work, but it is worth a try, as it is relatively cheap.

    Basically, wire up a pressure plate to a piston, and above the piston put a preset tracker.

    If the intruders don't notice the tracker, its as simple as following the signal from the tracker.

    Hope this helps.

  2. IGN: sayhisam1

    Age: 14

    Have you ever been kicked/banned from a server and why?: Yes, once because of immature and rude staff.

    Why do you like tekkit?: Tekkit adds a whole new way to look at minecraft, with automation and complex machinery. I like tekkit for the creations, and discovering new ways to utilize the new items added from mods in tekkit.

    What can you bring to the community?: I can bring a plethora of new ideas to the table. I have made several tekkit builds in the past, And a variety of computercraft programs. An example of a build I have made is an HV Solar Array factory, which took hours of work. (100% Legitimate, no creative used)

    Also, Do you have fixes for things like dupes and emc patches? I would like to see a server with people not running around with infernal within a day. Blaze rod/Bone meal emc gens can kill servers within days...

  3. Name - Sam

    IGN - sayhisam1

    Age - 13

    Minecraft experience - I have been punching trees since 1.7.3

    Tekkit experience - I have played on a variety of servers, ranging from PvP to a company based theme, although either the staff got corrupted(abuse of power), dupers came and ruined it, or it just died out because of lack of players.

    Time playing MC per day - I will probably be on around 1 - 4 hours a day, depending on my school work and other factors.

    Why do you want to join the server - I feel that this server will be a fun experience, and hopefully will not die out. I also hope to meet a variety of new players.

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