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Posts posted by gooberlious

  1. The particle effects in that video look like they're out of TF2.

    Looks really7 misplaced considering the style of everything else.

    its V0.1 i think its like pre-indev by my standards :P

    but the game its self is just [start geberaish]jubqwuifrbiebfieufbieuwbfefiu [end geberaish]

    and i think this is going to be minecraft's sucessor, if and when it does "die off"

  2. I don't see how changing the emc value of condensers would be anything but a nuisance, unless you change the value of the components equivalently. This whole thread is puzzling actually, what is the point of stopping condensers from making condensers. The EMC value is based on the mats that go into it, it is just a cheap item. Even if you did this, people could just target diamonds or red matter and pop it into the transumation tablet and get them that way. Or if you change the EMC value without also changing the components, you could just have condensers target the components and run them through an auto crafting table, easy peasy. What would one even do with tons of condensers? I mean do you really need a condenser chest full of them? Again, even if you do want a ton, the mats are cheap, its basically just a diamond, so if you want a ton you can easily get them regardless of what measures you try to implement to stop it short of just removing them altogether. It's not like condensers are overpowered compared to the rest of EE. Collectors on a relay charging a klein star is the same damn thing, pop that bad boy into the tablet and make what the fuck ever you want.

    Seriously, what is the point of what you are asking for?

    if people on your server think EE is OP THEN JUST TELL THEM NOT TO USE IT

    sorry, but this thread is really pointless to me...like really pointless

  3. you guys are terrible and should be ashamed

    /end sarcasam

    i know modding is hard work, hell i tried to make my own technic thingy mo bob from vanilla minecraft, spent 3 hours on it and i swear i made absolutly no progress, i gave up in the end and said hell imma just going to wait for them to update it in 5 years.

    you guys are doing good work


  4. so i was making a tree farm through the use of forestry.

    i am powering my arboreduim with 2 electrical engines through teleport pipes (and a quarry on a differnt freq)

    the engines are running fine and power is going though the pipes

    humas and saplings are stocked

    and the teleport freq are true/false were they need to be

    but the arboritum won't lay down the initial humas

    any suggestion/ideas as to why this is happening/ what is going on?

    oh and here is a pic...if it helps


    oh and here is a picture if it helps :)

  5. An internet forum is not a democracy. What the Admins say goes.

    oh right, this is the internet...sorry i have been on the Internets alot...its hard to tell the things apart...

    /goober i will atempt to follow the rule that KakerMix has made me

  6. Speaking in the third person is not a human right, you don't need to speak in the third person in order to communicate, or go about any portion of your life. The fact that you tried to pass off your vain and pathetic attempt to be special as a human rights issue is offensive and denigrates all of the real human rights issues that actually exist. Fuck off.

    wouldn't using the third person be freedom of speech...

    ps i have....odd ideas about the world

  7. depends on the area

    EE has induction torches which redpower can provide the pulses easily

    IC2 has tesla coils...but those need a redstone pulse i belive which means presure plates

    you could also place torches so that nothing spawns around your house...

    i think thurmcraft has a devide to pull things in...which you could then have a teslacoil to kil the things

  8. Nope, you can't. Its a special rule, just for you.

    Goober is not allowed to use third person.


    i am going to assume that this server is based in the US (most of them these days are)

    pretty sure that there is something about being equal as the rest of the humans on planet earth?

    goober will use third person, unless it become a rule...which would just be mean and cruel

  9. Why would you want to, or even need to sign your posts? It is just stupid and only people who have low self esteem put it because they want to try to show how awesome they are and are insecure that know one will know to look to the side to thank for posting something stupid.

    goober thinks that if you get an e-mail even though someone just has to look at the reviver bar to know who sent it? no you sign your name and say lots of love from XYZ

    i think we should end this disscusion now...the question was answered that goober can indeed use the thrid person

  10. if you knew me better you would know that goober talks in the thrid person alot...alot more then the first person (i wrote a story in the thrid person...that was fun) but thanks for the clarification...goober appreciates it.

  11. so i am aware of the fact that this forum doesn't allow you to sign your name after a post (lame rule imo, but that is a different discussion, possibly for another time when i actually want to make that post) but are you allowed to talk in the third person?

    [tt]IE: goober is making an example of what he is talking about. [/tt]

    you can't reply to the rules post (why do forums do that? so annoying)

  12. i disabled a couple mods (millinare and thurmcraft), and i want to get the powerconverters mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/119361-110-tehkrushs-mods-all-mods-updated-and-plasticcraft-smp/#power)

    will installing this be the same as if i was installing it into my .minecraft folder?

    (i would go %appdata%-> techlauncher -> technicSSP -> bin-> minecraft.jar-> drag files-> place mod in mods folder)

    thanks for the help in advance...i know this is probebly the noobiest post...but i dunno so i am asking.



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