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Posts posted by Ozonerayquaza

  1. All the BC pipes in the current version of Tekkit are a bit buggy. Regular pipes are fairly reliable, but the phased ones are not... sadly. Item Tesseracts from TE2 can do the same job and are a lot more reliable. They do not even require piping, being able to take the output directly from the quarry, if placed in contact with one of the quarries sides.

    The Phased pipes in later versions of BC seem to be much better behaved, but those versions are for later versions of Minecraft as well... So don't work with Tekkit for Minecraft 1.5.2

    For now, looking at your picture, I'de say it has to do with the way the phased pipe works. The items are not actually sent out until they reach the end of the pipe. With 2 connections, the items sometimes try going strait through instead of phasing... If you want to keep using the Phased pipes, try replacing the Phased pipe with an iron pipe and direct items either up or out to the side, then into the Phased pipe. That way it only has one input. Might behave a little better that way.

    Thank you.

  2. A little background information is in order before I discuss this I suppose. I've set up a few nice quarries and all, but I have these problems with phased teleport pipes. For example, sometimes they work and sometimes they shoot the materials out. I was wondering that this could perhaps be a bug in buildcraft, or that my range is limited on phased transport pipes. This is my current setup:


    Now note that the quarry on the left of the picture is not running, yet items are running through my phased transport piping.

    If there is a range on phased transport pipes (there isn't a range on phased conductive pipes it seems though..), I would like to suggest that the range is added to the technic wiki.

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