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About DreadXgamer

  • Birthday 03/07/1989

DreadXgamer's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Comming soon up to date Vanilla Minecraft server with adventure/pvp based plugins! Keep an eye at Dread X Productions on youtube for a Trailer!
  2. We just added a community build board! If you build a mini game, quest or even a really cool build, our staff will add it to the community board so other players can enjoy it! There is allready some games! Join now to partake in the Tekkit X Happenings!, I also made the voting rewards give 50 bonus claim blocks per vote! So now u get 2 diamonds, 5 gold, 10 coal, 32 iron and 50 claim blocks per vote link you do!
  3. All New 1.5 Story Trailer Video! Fresh off the press! Come check it out! See what your missing in Tekkit X!
  4. Huge 1.5 update coming to tekkit x!!! This will include a whole adventure world and new plugins! Get ready to explore a new realm for story and treasure! The web site has also underwent a huge overhaul and we made alot of changes to it! In the future we also plan on addint controlable pvp so player that do want to fight can do so in a designated area! Come now join us, see whats evolving in the world of Zanthis!
  5. 24/7 Premium VPS TEKKIT LITE SERVER ---Tekkit X--- IP: tekkitx.no-ip.org:25568 60 Players 2 Months Old, LAGLESS, FRIENDLY, TS3 NO PVP, LAND PROTECTION, BuyCraft,PLAYER SHOPS Adventure World, Citizens, Treasure Chest, Multi Verse, Group Pvp, Barter Economy HELPFULL STAFF, GROWING COMMUNITY. What makes us unique? -Our owner DreadXgamer strives for adventure atmospheres, Currently he is building a entire world to be used soely as a mmo world for players to play in! -Our economy is barter bassed. We have a player market in spawn where players can have a shop for free if you qualify to set up trade o mats to sell yourgoods! -We use a plugin called Safe inventory so you never lose your inventory when you die! -We are one of the only Tekkit Lite servers to successfully implement Citizens2! Life is everywhere! Talk to npcs during quests! -We have a fully set up website including votifier, buycraft, youtube channel and more! -Most our banned items are only in the case of griefing, we barely ban anything! -We are hosted by one of the best, feel assured in your gameplay experience with our host "Exodus Hosting" Official Video: (new vid coming soon!) We have a server story as shown in this server video, please watch this if you want to join! Pictures! Taking shots and uploading now! Starter Kit= 1 mv solar array, complete quartz tool set, 10 glowstone, 10 pork! NOTE: If you dont spawn in spawn use /spawn to go to spawn and press the Member button!
  6. Hello I run a tekkit lite 0.6.5 server with 60 player slots. Ive decided that like our old vanilla servers i would work on a adventure world. For this to work the way i want it to, i need npcs that can talk to players. Id love to use citizens as it is my first choice, but i cannot find a version that works on tekkit lite. All i need is a npc plugin of anykind that will alow skins and talking to players. does this exist for tekkit lite. Thank you for your time and efforts, --DreadXgamer of Tekkit X
  7. Now includes Votifier with rewards! also were working on the next part of our main story! be prepared to dive deep into the dark twisted ruins of vault 32!
  8. Now includes a Hosted Team Speak 3 Server! join the server and talk with your friends!
  9. V1.2 Released! Added Buycraft and Did a large Protection upgrade! +Bugfixes. -Were guarenteed 1-2 more months time!
  10. Official Video: Episode 1 - Vault 013 opens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT7bsDla9tg We have a server story as shown in this server video
  11. 24/7 Premium VPS TEKKIT LITE SERVER ---Tekkit X--- IP:tekkitx.no-ip.org:25568 60 Players 2 Months Old, LAGLESS, FRIENDLY, TS3 NO PVP, LAND PROTECTION, BuyCraft,PLAYER SHOPS Adventure World, Citizens, Treasure Chest, Multi Verse, Group Pvp, Barter Economy HELPFULL STAFF, GROWING COMMUNITY. MINIGAMES,COMMUNITY BUILD BOARD Voting Rewards: -2 Diamonds -5 Gold -32 Iron -10 Coal -50 Bonus Claim Blocks (per vote!) Whats New! We are about to add a whole adventure world! -Citizens -Treasure Chest -Rewards -Quests/Games Are you Ready for the Tekkit X 1.5 Update! Heres a trailer for the story! Screen Shots: Most all Banned items are obtainable Via the TrustedLV1-LV2 ranks! Still very little items are even banned! JOIN NOW! GIVE US A TRY! WE ARE WAITING! Official Website: http://dreadxproductions.wix.com/tekkitx Updated! Official Video:
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