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About MisterDurk

  • Birthday 07/02/1990

MisterDurk's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Server upgraded! More RAM which means more fun!
  2. Weekly challenges have been added! Enjoy prizes fame and more!
  3. Hey so occasionally my spawn is trashed with Conventional grenades (Its a raiding griefing pvp server so not, im not banning them) And i was wondering if there was anyway to stop this from happening. They are the only explosives to bypass the factions safezone protection aswell as worldguard protection with all explosions disabled. So i was wondering if there are any plgugins that would ban items in a certain radius or anything like that. Thanks PS: The ip is just in case you need that for some reason.
  4. Now Upgraded with donator ranks and a website! http://nuclearpvpvoltz.enjin.com
  5. Hello! NuclearPvP is a Voltz Warfare server and we encourage griefing and raiding, especially pvp! We have factions and encourage you to bring your friends on to help you conquer the world. NO BANNED ITEMS! IP: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rules -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No Spamming No Exessive swearing No Advertising No Disrespecting Admins No Hacking -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please, post below to spread the word if you like the server! Hope to see you in game!
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