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Everything posted by KaosDarkRose

  1. The Newest episode is out now!
  2. Here is the Newest Episode!
  3. Awesome thanks for the fix!!!
  4. That works for me you just have to put the Glass bell on top. But the recipe isn't in the modpack and isn't lighting because of that.
  5. Now on Video 12!
  6. Everything you said works fine but It's not activating with any fuel I give it... Unless you need Alchemical Coal..... But don't you need a minium atone to make that?
  7. Hey guys come check out my newest Let's Play series Attack of the B-team! Here's a link to the First Video of the series. And here is the Playlist
  8. Just added a new video to the Series let me know what you think!
  9. My house is the Desert Temple..... Hey guys Kaos here. Inviting you to watch my Minecraft Let's play on Tekkit Survival 1.1 /1.5.2 I've done a few let's plays in the past and this is my newest series. I'll show you the stratigic points of survival Tekkit with my Planter / Havester farm. And how to use it to get the materials to be able to craft diamonds and big backpacks. Currently on episode 34 which I'm uploading as we speak. Here is a link to the playlist so you can check out past episodes.
  10. I might have to update my let's play to 1.6.4 then I was worried that I wouldn't be able to convert some things over from 1.5.2
  11. If Power armor is going away in Tekkit 1.6.4 is there any plans to incorporate some of the features that this addon gives to your armor? Gonna miss my Jet pack and flying around. Seems to be didn't build Craft used to have a Jetpack?
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