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Posts posted by Lanpe

  1. Your IGN: Lanpay


    Your age: 15


    I am looking for a friendly server where people help each other out and don't mind a few pranks ever now and then. I fell in love with this mod-pack after watching some of the well known you-tubers play and I look forward to messing around with the witchery and advanced genetics mod. I have read and watched videos about most of the bigger. more advanced mods and I am always up for helping other with buildings, mining, etc. 


    Edit: Sorry for posting, just know realized the server is closed. 

  2. IGN: Lanpay


    AGE: 15




    WHY YOU WANT TO PLAY ON THE SERVER?: I have been looking for a smaller server where I can get to know people and have fun playing this mod-pack. 


    HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE MODS?: I have watched a few videos on most of the mods so I would say I know them pretty well. 


    WHY I SHOULD LET YOU ON?: I am helpful and don't mind helping with builds, mining, etc. I am mature for my age and will follow any rules. I also have a decent headset so I will be able to participate in chats. 


    HOW OFTEN WILL YOU BE ON?: I will try to get on at least a few times a week. 

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