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Posts posted by CyroNetwork

  1. I recommend this jar to boot https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-remotetoolkit-r10-a15-restarts-crash-detection-auto-saves-remote-console-1-7-2.674/

    You would need to run your server in SSH then goto your server DIR which is usually in UBuntu if that's what you're using it would be "cd /home/minecraft/(server)" Then you're going to want to install screen, if you already have it, when you're in the server DIR type screen -S tekkit or what ever you would like to call it, so it runs the server on a console screen. then boot the server jar file that Remote toolkit gives you with this command "@echo off

    java -Xmx30M -Xms30M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar Minecraft_RKit.jar user:pass
    Once that's booted the server you can set it to automaticly reboot the server to your liking, and if you want to reboot it right then and there just type stop in the console or /stop in game and the server will automaticly reboot. Once you close the SSH to get back onto that screen you would type screen -x (nameofscreen)
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