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Posts posted by Ignisfactorum

  1. We currently will not build a player market until we sort out the avoiding of pvp boundaries. 

    That one isn't a hard one, all you would need to do is give the 'Safe' faction infinite power, and claim a couple of extra chunks. If I remember the command correctly, it is somewhere along the lines of '/f tag infinitePower true' or something like that. It's been a while since I messed around with factions.

    On a totally different note, V1nsan1ty0 managed to corrupt his player file, and now it needs to be reset. Sorry that my friends and I are always corrupting out player files, Jonny, but what can I say? We are the pioneers of this mod pack.

  2. Jonny, Fatal_assasin78 tp killed me twice... I asked just for my sword and weapons back but he refused. He said that TP killing is against NOT against the rules, but I know it is. Anyhow, it would be great to have him jailed or banned... I just want my amethsyt sword, my m16, and ak 47 back. I had nothing else of value to me. Thanks.

    I don't see how TP killing should be against the rules, this is a PvP server, afterall. Just don't let him TP to you in the first place. Common sense, right?

  3. And now my player file is corrupt so that I can not logon... Could you reset my player file, Jonny?


    EDIT: If I am getting a refund, because there was nothing I could have done about the crash, I only had a few things: Dash chestplate, heavy duty legs+boots, AK-47+4 mags. I had some other stuff, but that is all that I really cared about.

  4. I think it would be great having another world for PvE. This would be nice to have for the players (like me) that aren't that big in PvPing, and worrying about being raided/griefed. Perhaps have another server for it, if needed. I'm well aware that's there's servers like this, but honestly, I like playing on this one. There could be like a spawn in a seperate world from the worlds, letting the player choose if they want to go to the PvP or PvE server. Also, it would be nice having a public nether, end and tropicraft portal at spawn. 

    The thing is that in the current setup of factions+griefing, it is possible to build a base that is literally impenetrable. This actually greatly annoys my friends and I, and if you could, GingerJonny, it would be much appreciated if you could reenable TNT. But, I know that that would never happen, so yeah.

    And also, about the portals, that just makes the game TOO easy. Why make your own portals when you can warp to spawn to use the public ones?

  5. I would have to disagree; we should not whitelist. That discourages people to seek to get in; and, if anything, it would result in people leaving. The people who are crashing the server more likely than not have either special items in their inventories, which you would have to work to get, or have placed a special block, which, again, you would have to work to get. More often than not, these are people who have invested time into this server, not people just logging on. Whitelisting would only isolate the community, and come on, we aren't North Korea here guys! We have to work together to overcome this, not try to find an easy 'solution.'

  6. Although further verification is not needed, I can verify that mc4lifeftb was repeatedly crashing the server, on purpose nethertheless.

    I would also like to throw out that the server has been down for a concerningly long amount of time... 

    This is a great server, and I would love to help keep the server maintained, and if you have a shortage of staff, I would be more than glad to sign up.

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