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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Application(Talking to Konman on Teamspeak Helps) Ign(In game name): PandaVision Age:16 Where are you from?: Florida What do you like to build?: anything What do you like to do mostly (Example:Miner, Engineer, Builder, etc)?: I mostly play around with the mods Why do you want to play on this server? Because I am on the derailed AOTBT server Do you have teamspeak? Yes
  2. Ign: PandaVision Age: 16 I put in a request before but for some reason my name isnt on the whitelist yet.
  3. Ign: PandaVision What do you think of the server: I think the server is really great. Most people are nice and the server runs smoothly expect for a few lags spikes everyone now and then. Anything that could be improved on the server: I think that their should be a more detailed tutorial for claiming territory, because I know that I was pretty confused at first, not to mention the most people would tell me to type /rp tutotrial, but the description wasn't detailed enough in my opinion. If possible, I believe you should add the area limit so people like me are able to understand how to get their own territory. Apart form that I have no complaints. Keep up the good work. -Panda
  4. Ign(In game name): PandaVision Age: 16 Where are you from?: Florida What do you like to build?: anything really. What do you like to do mostly (Example:Miner, Engineer, Builder, etc)?: Miner/Builder Why do you want to play on this server? This is my first time on a modded server. Do you have Teamspeak? No, but I can get it if need be.
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