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Posts posted by ApolloStriker

  1. In-Game Name: apollo131214
    Why do you want to play on this server: I want to play with a small nice, friendly community in attack of the b-team
    What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): I like to mess around with tinker's construct mod
    What DON’T you like to do:Build fancy designs and buildings and pvp
    Experience with modpack (1-10):a strong 7.5
    What is love: Read Romeo and Juliet, then you might not get it
    Squirtle or Pikachu: Charmader, trick question
  2. 1: Minecraft Name: apollo131214


    2: What country do you live in? USA, TX


    3: Will you be uploading to YouTube, if so what is your YouTube channel? No don't have recording software, yet


    4: How many times a week do you plan to be on? at least 2x mostly on weekends sometimes during the week


    5: How old are you: 16yrs old


    6: Do you accept the rules of the server? Yes I do


    7: Do you agree to not steal from other players? I agree

  3. Minecraft username: apollo131214
    Where you found this server? On the technic forums
    Why you want to be on this sever? I want to be part of a small community attack of the b-team server so that i can play peacefully

    What are you planning on doing on the server? GO TO THE MOON!, THEN MARS!

    Please respond quickly:)

    Your favourite color?A dark blue

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