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Everything posted by syamang

  1. IGN: syamang Age: 45 (Quite possibly older than dirt. Certainly giving the dinosaurs a run for their money ) Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a mature community for a while. I've been playing on a private server with my two girls up to date. Strengths in Minecraft: Persistance! 100 creeper explosions shall not keep me from patching the holes in my builds!! Building and can quite happily grind for resources for hours at a time if needed. As far as this modpack is concerned, I've dabbled in nearly all the mods so far, except Galacticraft. How many years have you been playing MC: 2 years How much will you be playing: 3 hours per day or more. Microphone: Not a decent one at the moment however I can easily upgrade. Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Probably not. I have had a YouTube channel since 2008, although I haven't uploaded anything. Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/syamang/about Look forward to hearing from you.
  2. That worked perfectly. Thanks for the quick reply!
  3. I've just had exactly the same error in my single player world. Any known fixes? Thanks in advance.
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