Ok, I've posted here before but my issue was not solved.
Background, I'm playing Technic launcher, playing a Tekkit server.
My FPS playing core minecraft is around 120-150 (Using fancy/far render), my FPS playing tekkit, varies from 10-20. At first, I thought it was because I was hosting the server, we changed that over, no change to my FPS.
My settings are all at minimum, so in Minecraft (Vanilla) I have near 200FPS, but still 10-20 on Tekkit.
I have Java 7, updated, I've allocated 6gb of ram, 256mb of ram and everything inbetween to Tekkit, no difference. I'm lost on what I can do to fix my FPS... It's hard to play at 11 FPS, it really is... any idea's welcome, any thoughts welcome... any questions, I'll try to respond.
Obviously getting rid of mods is a little difficult since it's a server... can't really do that. As far as I'm aware, EE is on the server, but you crash anytime you try to make anything from it (It was deleted from the server folder, in the mods folder, EE was deleted) but the other person (in my apartment with me) who plays has no lag even though her launcher has EE and so does mine, even though the server doesn't.