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Posts posted by HotshotSoup

  1. IGN: HotshotSoup



    Reason or Reasons for wanting to join:To enjoy playing one of my favorite games with people who also like the game

    Your tekkit experience:About 2 years

    Do you have a Mic:Yes

    Are you will to use Teamspeak or Vent: I'll Try

    What other games do you play? TF2,BF3,MW3,Black Ops, Assassins Creed III

    Marmite; love it or hate it? WTF is that?

    Random fact about yours? Favorite color is Orange

    How many roads must a man walk down? Any number that the man sees fit

    Would you rather fight a duck the size of a horse or a hundred horses the size you ducks? A hundred horses the size of ducks because I'm just that badass.

  2. IGN:HotshotSoup


    Project you plan to build: I want to build an entire underground city. I plan on it being modeled after the Mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings

    Minecraft experience: I've been playing since alpha so I think I have alot of experience.

    Tekkit experience: I've played for over a year, I know the advanced workings of most of the mods.

    Why you want to join the server: I wish to join because I want to be positively involved in a small community of dedicated minecraft players and leave an imprint on the server that will last the length of the server.

    I have a skype, its hotshotsoup. Add me then we can actually talk and you can get to know me in a more private setting.

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