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Posts posted by NaCCeLinO33

  1. What is your age? 15, but 16 this year

    Why do you want to join this server? I whant to play with nice people that dont grieff.

    Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Crafter 

    What do you expect from this server? nice people. maby like the mindcrack server

    Are you going to record? No I do not, but i am thinking about it.

    Are you willing to donate? If i like the server and the people

    Are you good at building? I am not bad

    How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? 1-10 maby 7

    Wolf or lion? Wolf duh

  2. 1. How old are you? 16 Years old

           2. Where do you live? Sweden

           3. Are you new to mods? No, Ive been playing many mod packs (+Attack of the b-team)

           4. What do you plan on doing on the server? This maby sound weird. But get friends that whant to do the same thing.

           5. How much do you play? How much i will play or have played

           6. Do you record for youtube? not for now, but i would love to get started.

           7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] XxsebbexX4

           8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? Yes. caus the admin took my things, and i got mad. so he banned me.

           9. Why do you want to join my server? like I said, I whant friends who like to do the same thing.

           10. Do you accept the rules? Yes I do.

           11. What is your minecraft name?  NaCCeLinO33

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