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Posts posted by hoho

  1. External USB graphics cards, that'd be awesome. I could actually hook up a GTX Titan to my MacBook Air...


    Except USB is possibly the worst type of connection one could use for GPUs that is still in use today. Even USB3 isn't all that good due to massive delays. Though Thunderbolt should be close to good enough for external GPUs. Don't expect much better speeds than from low-end GPU, though. While it is faster than USB the thoughput and latency still suck bigtime compared to PCIe


    Because unless you are using iris pro or a AMD APU they are still weak


    To be honest any integrated GPU is terribad. AMD ones might have somewhat better computational capabilities but their memory bandwidth is just a tiny fraction of midrange GPUs making using high-ish resolution for screen/textures a very bad idea.

  2. I'm a complete noob when it comes to MC modding but I'd consider myself good enough coder in general.

    Today, just for fun, I tried to port HungerOverhaul to 1.6.4 and got a (small?) problem. The mod has full source available but depends on Pam's harvest craft and that one doesn't have either source or API. I've tried all sorts of things I could come up with to no result.

    Initially I just added as an external lib (to get HC to compile) + added to mcp/jars/mods->

    2013-10-25 19:36:22 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from pamharvestcraft
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: field_76254_j
        at assets.pamharvestcraft.BlockPamCrop.<init>(BlockPamCrop.java:44)
        at assets.pamharvestcraft.PamHarvestCraft.preInit(PamHarvestCraft.java:831)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

    I've tested HC with the same forge version as I'm using for developing and it loads up just fine. I guess it's erroring as it assumes obfuscated MC?

    Next I tried to decompile it with both but it gets decompiled jd-gui and fernflower included in MCP but both caused HC to have a ton of problems as it was using obfuscated MC names. I tried to run BON and deobfuscate to srg but that didn't seem to help at all.

    So, anyone has any idea how I might get it working?

  3. That laptop on amazon has two SSDs + 1 normal HDD. SSDs can be tiny, really tiny. Even at that size (2x128GB).

    Also, 24GB of RAM isn't too much. My laptop has 16G and running out is quite common during work. Running virtual machines also gobbles up a ton of it. If it supported more RAM my employee wouldn't mind upgrading to 32G, unfortunately it doesn't.

  4. Get a moderately specced one, which will probably not be able to run Metro Last Light or BF4 on max settings, but will do pretty good otherwise. I don't see why you would need anything more powerful and pricey.
    Talking specifically about macbooks, only the top model has a non-integrated GPU meaning all the rest with their intel IGP's don't really qualify even as a "moderate specced" for gaming.
  5. The ONLY macbook worthy of any sort of "gaming" title is the most expensive one that has NV GPU and costs $2.6k. Anything else is just useless waste of space for gaming. Also, even with that you will not be able to play on the monitor's native resolution with any reasonable performance.

  6. mDiyo is at it again. He and Greg had an agreement he can modify Gregs code "As long as it is constructive and reasonable in some way, and doesn't intentionally break things"


    GT has an oredict scanner in his mod that autodetects everything in oredict and builds recipes for various machines out of that automagically. To make life easier he made a filter to say in console if some entry in the dict doesn't follow good practices of using oredict. For example:

    2013-10-20 08:49:36 [iNFO] [sTDERR] WARNING: 'stoneRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following:
    2013-10-20 08:49:36 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodStone'
    2013-10-20 08:49:36 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'ForgeMicroblock:stoneRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
    2013-10-20 08:49:36 [iNFO] [sTDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to.

    Notice that this is merely a notice and a suggestion, not an error or anything.

    mDyio didn't like to see his wrongly registered stuff show up in forge log and supposedly had people report that to him as error*s. His "solution" was to break Gregs oredict scanner:


    *) Looking in github and TiC thread, there was a combined total of one report about it since GT added the scanner about a month ago. He is just looking for excuses to screw with GT.

    Using his mod with that change with GT causes the game to crash. He broke the terms of agreement Greg had with him.


    Crashing was apparently fixed. Now it only forcibly prevents GT from supporting any mod that gets loaded after TiC. Obviously he also didn't add any config option for turning his hack off.


    Apparently not only will the TiC change make GT not support any mods loaded after TiC it also completely breaks GT recipes making the mod unplayable.


    According to #TinkersConstruct logs mDyio planned to cause GT silently not load on 15'th of October. On 19'th he found out about the oredict scanner existing in the first place. This means he had the plan to screw with GT long before the oredict thing was even brought to his attention.

    Also, there were exactly zero bugreports that had any mentions about GT in past week. It's just a searched excuse for TiC devs to screw with GT and its users.

  7. I think it is a conflict with GregTech mod. Removing GregTech solved the issue for me.
    Could be because GT uses meta tile entities for it's machines to save on block IDs. I know his machines aren't movable with gravity gun either.

    For the longest time there were also problems with GT machine textures where the machines would render as machine casings for ages and would actually crash if people opened their GUI before they were properly initialized. For some that took tens of minutes. Though that problem should be fixed for a couple of months now.

  8. hmmm, that would defintley be interesting, as i belive they'd then have to code there own game engine, instead of using java
    That makes no sense. Java is a language, not game engine.

    To reiterate for n'th time, the awful performance of MC does not come from using Java. It comes from bad programming in general. It's probably even easier to write bad code in C++ than in java.

    Also, creating multiplatform C++ stuff is far from difficult. The difficulty of porting is blown way out of proportion.

  9. I would expect a major jump in system requirements for games that take advantage of the next generation hardware from consoles.
    except that he'd also need to swap out the CPU and most likely motherboard as well. Basically it wouldn't be much more expensive to replace the whole thing (again).
  10. TF2 is a game from ~6 years ago and wasn't really taxing on systems even back then. MC basically runs only on CPU and doesn't care much about GPU.

    I sure hope you don'y plan on playing anything too recent on the machine and I find it really odd that no one told you the machine is using the very lowest end of low-end CPUs made for PCs that one could get. Sorry that I wasn't here earlier but for €500 you could have got a MUCH better gaming PC than that.

  11. That's debatable. Pretty sure they were working on it at the same time. Just you know...going in a different direction.
    They very well might have worked on it in parallel but their announcement did come out quickly after technic platform was announced. Never mind that FTB "custom modpacks" feature was anything but what the name would suggest.
  12. Gregtech.
    Do tell what recipe did he forcibly override that had a config option already.

    GT makes changes to exactly three mod recipes besides IC2 (of what it's pretty much a total conversion of and has configs on his side) and vanilla (again, configs). These are BC quarry (configurable), UE plates (with full approval of UE authors, for improving compatibility and with configs) and forestry bronze (to fix an exploit and combined with forestry conf can be turned off).

  13. Do you know what had happened? Complaint after complaint after complaint about how his mod and GregTech interacted. He got sick of it and made a change, and OH MY GOD HE FORGOT A CONFIG OPTION THAT HE COULD HAVE JUST BEEN REMINDED OF TO PUT IN AS A PATCH OH GODS THE WORLD IS FUCKING BURSTING INTO A CLOUD OF DUST get over it.
    It took about two months of complaining by players for mDiyo to add config option for fortune smelting. During big part of that time he had a message complaining about GT being the fault of dupe.
  14. Do the gregtech vanilla nerfs default on or off?
    They default to on.

    If I wanted total conversion, I'd play TerraFirmaCraft, which is way more mature.
    What if you wanted a total conversion with tech mod(s)? GT is the closest thing we have at the moment.

    If I wanted a harder game, I'd look into mods that add extra layers to the game past the Ender Dragon just for that purpose.
    Hardness can be added to both ends of spectrum.

    Thing is, I play modded Minecraft to be inventive and ask myself, "How do I do this?". Not to re-learn everything and get needlessly killed every half-hour because I don't have the proper equipment, nor because it takes me ages to just build the basic tools to start solving my problems.

    In my worlds, I see a creeper, I expect that it will blow my crap up if I don't lead it away or kill it fast. Not teleport like an Enderman right behind me and detonate. I like vanilla mechanics, and I don't need them ducked with just to satisfy someone else's need to make a harder game.

    No one forces you to use GT. If you don't like the mod you are not in it's target audience. Exactly the same things were said about EE2 and everyone understood it then. Why is it so different now?

    Though this is going a bit OT, my point was to show that even as good people as mDiyo can occasionally pull a dick move here and there. If people/mods don't mind discussing GT and/or difficulty vs tedium vs whatever I won't mind doing it.

    Greg has the right to alter vanilla recipes. mDiyo has the right to alter Greg recipes. Greg has the right to un-alter recipes mDiyo altered. All three of these should be configurable by the end-user/player. None of these should ever result in a deliberate crash.
    Exactly and even greg doesn't have an argument there. Problem started at the point where a configurable option was being overridden by a non-configurable one.
  15. The question, I think, is does GregT want a hardmode mod, or a total conversion mod? Vanilla mechanics is already self-balanced, IMO.
    I believe greg wants a longer gameplay with minimum unbalances. To get there he has to change a ton of stuff, including vanilla. At the point his mod was added to 1.4 FTB packs it was mostly a (big) addon to IC2. Since then it has become pretty much a total conversion of IC2 and moving towards doing the same with vanilla. It's not rational to expect that people playing it in 1.4 would have the same experience in 1.6.

    I'm pasting the text I said about it for at least fourth time now but I believe it's a pretty good reason why the change is beneficial*:

    What do you do for gathering resources? For me in early game it means cave exploring. Having to explore a dangerous world for more time to get to state where it isn't as dangerous any more most definitely increases the difficulty of playing. In a non-gt modpack all you need is one trip to a cave to get enough stuff to set up fully automated mining and never to return there again.

    *) That assumes you actually like this kind of challenge. If you don't then obviously GT with it's default settings is not for you.

  16. I am on mDiyo's side on this one. Greg fucking with vanilla balance, when so MANY mods rely on it, is going way too far.
    Exactly for this reason greg had a configuration option for the changed features from the very start. Have you ever heard about any mod knowingly overriding a configurable option in an another one?

    As for changing vanilla balance, do you consider vanilla to be a sort of a sacred cow no one should dare touch or change?

    No one forces people to use GT, it's fully up to the players to first choose the mod and then choose the config options. Greg has never made a point about gathering fame by being in a modpack* or generally catering to the desires of people (even though through the MASSIVE config he does do it anyway) so he didn't feel as if having his way as default as something bad. His grand aim is to make mods work well together in a somewhat sane and unified tech-tree. Until the change the vanilla itself was rather badly balanced giving massively OP stone tools and making getting metal ones nearly meaningless.

    You can think of it like terrafirma craft but instead of giving the finger to all other mods he actually tries to incorporate them in his vision.

    *) Slow approached greg personally to get the mod into FTB, not the other way around

  17. Bullshit. Not adding the config option in the first place was a simple mistake: mDiyo has clearly demonstrated willingness to let users configure his mod by adding config options for other things in the past, including his own balance changes (e.g., the increased smeltery requrement).
    If I may ask, what was the need to even add the wood un-nerf to his mod in the first place if it was already configurable in GT? With the fortunesmelting fiasco he simply added a warning/suggestion to change GT configs but this time didn't even warn greg about it nor provided a config option.

    Also, I wouldn't be so sure that it was a "simple mistake" but it's your word against mine here so I'll leave it at that.

    It's rapidly becoming clear to me that open and cooperative modders are a precious resource to be treasured, as this recent "blowup" has revealed to me even more DRM than I thought existed, INCLUDING EVEN IN MOTHERFUCKING THAUMCRAFT.
    Don't forget railcraft, IC2 and forestry checking on each other + RP2 and crashing when any of them were changed. That was made to fight against a mod that removed a DoS-attack enabling bug from RP2 by patching RP2 binary, quite similar to your soulshards fix. Though I think all but RC have removed the code by now and the code there only triggers if those mods actually use signature (they don't atm in 1.5).


    "Short" summary:

    Some time more than half a year ago (= before TiC was even released) greg made metal storage block un-crafting into a furnace recipe and had configs to disable that.

    Mid-january first commit to TiC was made

    Around May this TiC added fortune smelting meaning one can apply autosmelt+fortune on tools. Even though in vanilla fortune only works on ores he made it work on anything that can be smelted, including wood, animals, cobble and, yes, GT metal storage blocks. Those started giving out 9-36 ingots with fortune 3.

    mDiyo told greg to change his default conf to disable storage block smelting, greg replied by asking him to make it work as in vanilla (= only ores) and add config to allow users to disable the fortunesmelting interaction

    At that point communication between the two stopped

    mDiyo added a startup message complaining how greg causes a dupe bug and told users to modify gregs conf to disable the un-smelting storage blocks

    Greg responded by a similar wall of text telling why mDiyos should have made fortune to only work on ores and how he should add a config option

    That lasted for a while (can't remember if several days or couple of weeks) but in the end mDiyo did add the config option and so both removed the messages and everything seemed calm

    A few days ago greg made a big update to his mod that reworked vanilla techtree. He made the basic metal tools require hammer+file to craft, cut wooden and stone tool durability to ~1/3 and made plank and stick recipes to return only two items instead of four. To get full four one had to use a saw in the recipe (or TE/GT sawmill to get >4 planks). All these had config options to be turned off.

    mDyio raged and added a un-nerf feature to his mod that override the fully configurable GT features with non-configurable ones.

    When greg found out he simply had his mod to trigger his old item-ID conflict->crash when he found TiC loaded. His reasoning was that by making enough noise the issue between the mods would be resolved faster than with fortune smelting, damned be the community and anyones opinion of him

    lots of drama followed consisting of at least a few hundred pages of forum threads

    In less than 24h mDiyo called for truce and removed the un-nerf code from his mod. Greg quickly followed by removing anything anti-mDyio/TiC from his. The total time when the combination of mods that could have had the crash thingy occur lasted for about 20-ish hours.

    Slowpoke stepped in and told they were discussing it in private and figuring out what to do

    mDiyo said he had demanded his mod to not be together with GT in FTB packs and he was granted that

    A few hours later mDiyo wrote on IC2 forums that he re-added the un-nerf feature to his mod, though with a somewhat confusing config this time, and demanded greg to stay away from his mods

    Greg basically went WTF and blamed mDiyo of lying about the truce and removal of the offending code, though hasn't done anything in retaliation except a visual change of having mDyio's player wear a "pumpkin of shame" (immibis also has that for demanding greg to add config options he doesn't want to add).

    I think this is the current situation unless something changed while I wrote the post. I have no clue where Azanor comes into play in all this. If I got anything wrong please feel free to fix it. The data is gathered over those hundreds of pages of forum posts ant twitter. In the sheer amount of datanoise I wouldn't be surprised to have missed something.


    Also, it has NEVER been about the fact that someone overrides a recipe GT added. It was always how it was done. You may dislike GT/greg as much as you like but he actually does respect configs of other mods, even for forestry bronze.

  18. mDiyo does things unobtrusively, for a reason, and gives config options
    except that he didn't for the whole wood-drama. He bluntly override the fully configurable recipe with a non-configurable one in a way that, if reports are to be believed, actually caused problems with craftbukkit servers. After greg pulled his stunt and mDiyo called for truce both removed their stupidity. Some time passed and mDiyo even asked slow to not have his mod together with GT in any modpacks.

    Shortly after mDyio went in and re-added the un-nerf*, though with a config this time. Only problem is the config on his side causes more confusion than it fixes as to turn on the nerf you need to toggle it from both confs but to turn it off you only need to modify his.

    *) Why was that even needed considering the two mods wouldn't end up together in any FTB pack?

    Don't misunderstand me, I'm not defending greg crashing the game here. I'm merely saying that mDiyo is far from clean in the whole mess of drama and similarly to sengir incapable of proper communication. Quite similar behavior was from mDiyo regarding the fortune smelting problem as well and again, he pulled the trigger first there

  19. I'll probably have to add a special case for the quarry that actually breaks and replaces it instead of just moving it. Not technically a bug with my mod but something that does need to work. It would, however, lose its internal buffer of energy every time that happens.
    I assume BC mining well possibly needs a similar handling then. I haven't tried it with your frames but it does have those nasty mining pipes that need some special things to be done to the actual miner (physically break it, I think) to get them removed from world.
  20. The issue is how I do all my calculations: I could program it to accept a command to move N blocks, but it would still do it one block at a time.
    but why must there be a delay before/after moving? Sure, have the placeholder blocks move one block at a time but I can't see a reason why the animation as a whole couldn't smoothly move >1 blocks when given such command. Are there some design limitations somewhere?
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