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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Will you white list me so i can join? if so my skype is unevenbacon
  2. IGN(in game name): Unevenbacon Reason of wanting to join: I think it will be fun Your favorite mod: Tinkers Age:(optional but you should be 15): 15 Youtube:(optional, I'm personally not doing anything youtube atm): Nope Skype account(yes or no, it wont hurt your chances of joining): yes (unevenbacon)
  3. IGN:unevenbacon What is your favorite mod in the pack? witchcraft are you a builder, explorer, or tech genuis? builder and explorer How well do you know the mods? ( will not effect your chances on getting accepted) im kind of new but i know most of them Age: 15 Youtube: nope
  4. Hello there i would love to join your server my ign is unevenbacon and my skype is unevenbacon as well
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