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Posts posted by Manshiny

  1. Sorry for the double post.

    I tried the two mods out and it worked until I opened the inventory. I had a system error and then a crash.

    Guess they're not compatible. Such a shame.

  2. Hi there,

    My friend got me back into Minecraft after a long break, and he insisted we tried Pixelmon. As an avid pokemon fanatic, I couldn't say no and I must say I've fallen in lvoe with the mod.

    How compatible is Tekkit and Pixelmon? Would it be fine to add Pixelmon + a handful of mods (that we've used with tekkit before) and get away scotch free?


    I think that's all I need to ask XD

    Thanks :D


    BTW, I spelt Tekkit wrong in title, sorry!

  3. Hold left shift while mousing over the conduit itself in inventory or NEI, it lists max rate as 10k rf/t.



    Honestly I keep my actual dynamos in the overworld. Here's a pic of one of my nether pump setups.



    In the middle on the bottom there is the ender thermic pump. The cobble is only hiding fluiducts connected to the top of the pump, every magmatic, and the ender tank you see there. When I used magmatics for power I didn't have anything with a constant power drain, nor did I use a lot of power, so the comparator and redstone there is to disable the magmatics when the ender tank is full, to prevent the dynamos from breaking down. In the overworld all you need is a setup with an ender tank with the same color combination, linked to magmatics via fluiduct, basically how your setup is, just replacing the crucibles with an ender tank.


    I'd use a combination of cells and tesseracts. Cells to store power as a buffer in case something goes wrong, but your main power transmission would be tesseracts. What you could do is have a single resonant cell directly connected to your dynamos to hold power, and have that outputting into a tesseract that is your primary power sending tesseract, or you can use multiple cells/tesseract channels if you want.


    And in his picture, the bottom is a stack of particle accelerator rings likely producing antimatter that he is using in a fulmination generator somewhere offscreen or something to that effect. The next layer up looks like 4 fairly large fusion reactors setup, with steam funnels above them to collect steam produced which is piped through the fluiducts to his tesseracts for offsite steam storage, or those tesseracts are powering the reactors, not sure which is right. Either way the steam is also piped up to his layer of turbines up top, which use steam to produce power. LOTS of it.

    Ah, to be honest, I'm terrible with redstone circuits.

    Could you send me a sort of how-to guide with lava pumping + ender items like the pump and tank lol.... XD

    Hope that's not an issue.

    One more thing, and I hope this isn't a stupid question, but will pumping lava out of the nether use up all the lava?

    Is there an easy way to make a lava dimension?

  4. 120 magmatics is 9600 rf/tick or 960 mj. You can also just use either a pump or ender thermic pump in the nether with 2 magmatics per pump.. you can have the pumps connected to the dynamos and an ender tank, which would have a matching tank in the overworld replacing your crucibles. Then the entire system would need no additional power since after an initial bucket of lava the pump setup is self sufficient. Also reactors are much more powerful. A 5x5 (6x6 including outer walls) ring fusion reactor setup easily outputs 40k rf/tick. And one last thing, in your design replace any bc pipes with fluiducts/ energy conduits. They're better.

    Oh, and due to the fact that you can pump liquid deuterium directly into reactors now instead of needing canisters of it, fusion reactors are currently maintenance and resource free.

    I have actually replaced the pipes with fluiducts.

    I'm going to try everything you just suggested, seems really smart :o

    Thanks heaps :D

    Holy damn that looks insane. I have no idea how you constructed that, so I'll stay away haha

  5. Hi all,


    I'm using Tekkit 1.2.7b with/ Railcraft and Tinkers Construct + steelworks.

    I'm trying to design an extremely fast and efficient way to produce energy to charge my Redstone Energy Cells.
    Right now, my friend and I have done a lot of resource gathering, we've got tons of everything so we're perfectly capable to produce what I currently have.

    We have a reactor that is powering our current machines, however we need a better way to power our redstone energy cells.
    A few months ago I came up with this design and it was good, but I felt it could improve. I took like 3 months break from gaming and completely forgot everything I learnt about FTB and Tekkit.



    This is a small design I was playing with just now in creative mode in my own world.
    It's meant to be about 15-30 layers of Magmatic Dynamos.

    So It currently uses
    Roughly 60-120 Magmatic Dynamos
    4 Magma Crucibles + hoppers
    Gold Fluid Pipes

    And Redstone Energy Conduits

    It converts Netherack (which we have about 150k of because of a 32x32 nether quarry) into lava which then powers the Dynamos.
    This produces power, which then powers itself + leaves around 10k MJ (don't remember the new uni, so I'll just stick to MJ :D ) to charge whatever. This is when I would put a flower of Redstone Energy Cells on the top to charge them.

    This is early game design, so once we have a lava dimension from mystcraft, we can pump lava straight out.

    As I mentioned earlier, we have a reactor, which I'm planning to use to power this design (once I figure out where I'll connect everything) and then use all the power created to charge cells.

    This is what I've come up with, it's very basic (I think, I'm very new to tekkit) but I really like it cause it uses such a small amount of space (only 3x3 and up to 30 layers deep which is fine)

    I'm really open to improving it unless there is something better, in which case, yeah.. bye bye above.

    Any advice? :D

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