1. How old are you? 15
2. Where do you live? Arizona,usa
3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No
4. What do you plan on doing on the server? What bdubs and gennyb wants me to do with the mod pack, Have Fun
5. How much do you play? a tone
6. Do you record for youtube? Not at the moment by have dxtory and have been trying to do some minecraft videos
7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] AustinChopra if you can not find me, becaus i do not know it of the top of my head, email me at archopra100@aol.com and i will send it to you
8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No
9. Why do you want to join my server? Because i want to go out meet people and try to start doing youtube
10. Do you accept the rules? Yes
11. What is your minecraft name? Austinthemighty