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Everything posted by Kaptem

  1. Ign(In game name):kaptem Age:11 Where are you from?:California What do you like to build?:Stuff built in mountains What do you like to do mostly:Building Why do you want to play on this server?I want to play with my freind on a server with a nice community without getting greifed Do you have Teamspeak?No but i have skype 1. No Griefing 2. No Bullying 3. No Stealing 4. Respect Other Players 5. Please try to build at least 500 blocks away from spawn thank you. 6. And Finally Have Fun PvP Rules: 1. Only if you have an established Town & Both parties agree to go to war. 2. If you and your friend are just messing around. 3. If someone doesn't want to play around please leave them alone. Why so many rules? Because everyone wants free cookies! Application(Talking to Konman on Teamspeak Helps) Ign(In game name): Age: Where are you from?: What do you like to build?: What do you like to do mostly (Example:Miner, Engineer, Builder, etc)?: Why do you want to play on this server? Do you have Teamspeak? Thanks! We are looking for Admins.
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