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Everything posted by Surviox

  1. Ok, just wait a little awhile, things are being sent
  2. Ok list of people in Ligitpickle o21beast Shiftykid34 unicornsexistx3 Kingcool996 Insanity633 CookenDorf BeefJerky7331 WayneTravis antonmarten Welcome!
  3. Hey! I'm Surviox, I'm sick of servers relying on server plugins and just wanted to have fun with mature people that are here for the same reason. To join just type down in the comments this short application IGN(in game name): Reason of wanting to join: Your favorite mod: Age:(optional but you should be 15): Youtube:(optional, I'm personally not doing anything youtube atm): Skype account(yes or no, it wont hurt your chances of joining): Ex: IGN(in game name): Surviox Reason of wanting to join: Im the owner Your favorite mod: Tinkers Age:(optional but you should be 15): 15 Youtube:(optional, I'm personally not doing anything youtube atm): Nope Skype account(yes or no, it wont hurt your chances of joining): yes (surviox) Thanks will say if you made it, only selecting about 20-30 slots! Rules: No making fun of other people Don't pranks to far No griefing without a reason Just don't be immature about things Don't take PVP too far And have fun (yes its a rule ) IP: attackofsurviox.no-ip.org Ok so I'm not dead. I got the flu and of course when I do the server goes down for reasons unknown. Considering the issues with Doom I might have to put the server back of the original Ip when everything started. Things shall be worked out this weekend, hopefully in time before the next update and Im truly sorry to all of you guys that spent time on this server just for it to close I feel awful Truly awful -Surv HOLY CRAP ITS UP, ITS UP ITS UP IT MIGHT BE LAGGY BUT ITS UP
  4. App: I wanted to play on a server with more "mature" people that don't rely on server plugins to help them IGN: Surviox What is your favorite mod in the pack? Tinkers are you a builder, explorer, or tech genius? A little of all three, mostly a tech genius How well do you know the mods? ( will not effect your chances on getting accepted) Pretty well Age: 15 Youtube: No sorry
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