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Everything posted by MissFluffy85

  1. Haven't been able to connect to the server since Saturday. And now when I can connect Im not on the whitelist anymore. =/
  2. Thank you! Now that problem is gone it seems to be back to the old problem =) Update the server please...
  3. Now, it says bad login when I try to login. Dont know what that means. =/
  4. Hey! I updated the modpack and cant get on the server now =/ Dont know if the two things connect =/ I try to login and it says Im not allowed cause I don have some of the modpacks. =/
  5. Username: MissFluffy85 Are you over 16? Absolutely! Youtube: No I wanna join cause I really think its fun playing on servers with other people. Are mod and members on some vanilla but wanna try a modded server.
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