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Posts posted by SageMoonblade

  1. This might not be the right place to post this but any help or letting me know the better location would be a big help. I have made mods to existing packs but I recently got the idea to make my own pack. I followed the directions of two different tutorials both working in 1.6.4 (one with and one without coremods folder). After making the modpack .rar file and uploading it to dropbox public folder I pasted the public link into the technic launcher modpack area on the dashboard for the website. Upon doing so I saved the pack and got the technic modpack link and pasted it into the launcher and hit play. The bar cycles for a few moments and the error "Error downloading file for the following pack Sage's Test Pack        Failed to download (my dropbox link)           Please consult the modpack auther.". I can tell the modpack file downloaded it is in the folder of the modpack right where it should be sitting in the cache folder with the right size even. Anyidea where I might have oopsed?

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