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Posts posted by vMpee

  1. I started playing League of Legends as a Marksman, but then I got bored of it pretty quickly (not to deter you from playing them! They're still a big part of carrying your team to victory). Right now, I enjoy playing support and middle lane mainly because I know how A.D.C. (Attack Damage Carry / Marksman).


    My top used champions for each roles are:

    ADC (Attack Damage Carry / Marksman)-

    ○ Jinx (Hyper insane, and intensely fun kit)

    ○ Vayne (Hyper carry late game when fed and/or you know how her mechanics work. Mechanics for Vayne is important)

    ○ Ashe (Global Stun ultimate, and who doesn't want infinite slows 8D)

    Support (Supports the ADC, so the ADC can support the team..?)-

    ○ Leona (Stuns are one of the most powerful CC's (Crowd Controls; fear, stun, slow, blind, etc.) and Leona can be "game-changingly" fun, in terms of stuns and slows)

    ○ Thresh (Similar to Leona, Thresh has stuns, slows and a unique life-saving lantern.. Literally life-saving!)

    ○ Soraka (HEALS! <3)

    Middle Lane (Usually APC (Ability Power Carry / Mage)-

    Le Blanc (One of the most known nuke mages, where she can insta-delete many champions (most likely other carries))

    ○ Katarina (A mana-less champion, and has a fun kit. Easy to get a Pentakill with (Double, Triple, Quadra, PENTAKILL)

    ○ Veigar (An annoying voiced champion, but still a fun champion. Stun enemies + Nuking abilities + Free AP with Q)


    I just felt like typing this, whilst my Technic packs are downloading. These are my opinions, I'd like to hear others :3

  2. Hi there,


    I was wondering whether there was a filter type search bar, to exclude all the non-technical mod packs. I am the type of person who likes to play modded Minecraft, but not technically (as in computers, solar powered blocks, industrial modifications, etc.). 


    If there is no filter search bar to do this, can any of you suggest any mod packs that are fun and enjoyable to play around with that doesn't have anything technical?


    Thank you :D

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