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About happyhour259

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

happyhour259's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IRL Name(So I can talk to you properly): ill tell you over skype IGN Name (So I can add you to the white-list): happyhour259 What parts of tekkit are you are good at: build craft, rail craft, ID, EE Skype Name:happyhour259
  2. why cant i see some of the blocks there on the world?
  3. IRL Name; do I really need to tell you? Minecraft Name; happyhour259 Age; 16 Tekkit Experience; i have been playing it when it was 1.1.4 Would you be able to host a server?; I dont know how to get one running Why I should choose you; i have helped make many survival puzzle maps since 1.6 and all of them where great :D
  4. I can't log in to any tekkit servers. When I try to log in to one it said: Internal exception: java.io.IOException: Bad packet id 211 What do I do! I have 64 bit java. What else is there to fix?
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