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Everything posted by KaitoX

  1. Well I got that problem ironed out. One of the tutorials I read made mention of a need for a redstone signal which actually activates the idle mode or something. On the other hand the massive number of conflicting items in this cluster of mods is causing me massive frustration. The brutal lack of consistent documentation is causing even more frustration. I am going to go ahead and uninstall this package and wait for some additional fixes to come along.
  2. I have watched many a videos and such about them. Most lean towards Solar Panels as the best method for powering them. I've tried that to utter failure. I've tried some Combustion Engines. I've tried Steam Turbines with a brutally massive boiler. The problem I am having is that it NEVER puts out oil. The energy bar fills up. The idle bar fills up. The work bar never does... Anything. And it never produces a drop of oil. I have tried in a survival server and in solo casual. We just downloaded Tekkit two days ago and the only change we made was adding Railcraft. One drag and drop mod added in.
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