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  1. i believe the issue is some idiot tried to World Edit is Pipe Conduits from Thermal Expansion and that is causing the server to crash whenever the chunks are loaded i know the issue from experience with Tekkit Classics IC2 high voltage Solar Pannels or, Thermal Expansion is curropt
  2. oh, i am running Debian Linux on my system right now but my server computer just dosnt have the option of running another OS
  3. i konw i would have liked one and i have been looking into MineOS, but i need something that can run on windows.., on second though i should edit my original post
  4. Hey i was wondering what control pannel allows me to use a aAttack of the B-team Server files with it i always run the latest MCPC+ build patch for 1.6 and McMyAdmin is just really slow at starting and is REALLY bad at keeping the server online dose anyone know of another control plannel (not MultiPannel or what ever its called these days) and (has to have a working plugins and permissions manager) because i dont want to have to go back to Tekkit Classics **** with Permissions not working EDIT: Must Work With WinServ08/2011/Win7
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