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  1. Someone told me the best possible bow was a pair of slime rods and a firey bow string. I have the flame string from the heatscar spiders here, but I can't seem to be able to use the part maker to create a fiery bow string. I can make a regular bow string just fine, though. What am I doing wrong?
  2. What the hell is this thing? It almost seems to be spawning enderman, and it makes the 'destroy block' sound and makes chunks of water dissapear momentarily. It seems almost like some kind of rift, and I am wondering if I should find some way to contain it because it is not too far from my farm.
  3. Wait what? It does? Oh my god. I don't care about what mod it's from, but if it's got all that kind of info to let me know what is in certain things... i might actually use it! Edit: Oops, damn, double posted. Uhhh. Can't find a delete button here soooo.
  4. Thank you soooo much!
  5. Whenever I look at a block this thing at the top of the screen appears letting me know what it is. Okay, I know that sounds a little bit silly... But I'm afraid I know what Oak wood, leaves, stone, and -dirt- are. I'd like to figure out how to disable this, and looked through all the menues i could think of, but the only thing messing with the TMI options got me was a second box overlaying the one that was already there, so... How do I turn this off?
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